#VeteranThanks Project

Pulaski County USA is proud to announce our new, ongoing project thanking our Veterans, #VeteranThanks

Pulaski County USA is proud to announce our new, ongoing project thanking our Veterans, #VeteranThanks

#VeteranThanks Project

Pulaski County USA is the first Purple Heart county in Missouri. We are known for our patriotism. The Pulaski County Tourism Bureau is proud to announce the launch of a new project, #VeteranThanks, to respectfully honor our nation’s veterans. You may submit your photographs to us for inclusion in this campaign. This is not a contest, simply an invitation to show your appreciation and share your photos with others through social media… including our newly created Facebook page that is just for honoring veterans and on our other social media accounts.

Each day, year round, we will be uploading photos of Veterans to our blog at http://www.veteranthanks.blogspot.com. Submitted veterans photos will be searchable by last name or branch of service. We will be regularly adding your submitted photos. Let us thank your veteran! Start digging through those scrapbooks, as we will always be needing photos to add.

Simply email your photo of your uniformed United States veteran, any branch of service, any era of service, any geographic location to laurah@pulaskicountyusa.com. You can also tweet them to @PulCoUSA. THANK YOU to all of you who have defended our freedoms! #VeteranThanks #PatrioticPulaski #PulaskiCountyUSA

Please give this new page, http://www.facebook.com/VeteranThanks a “like” by visiting and clicking the “thumbs up”.


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